Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Blog, First Post

Being a crafting twenty-something with a new blog, it seems only appropriate that I start with a post about my cat.

This is Mocha Boca

I got him when I was 12 and had just moved to rural Virginia from Atlanta. Mom thought that a cat might make me resent the move a little less, so a few weeks after we moved in, Mocha became my first post-move pal. Mocha was born under a trailer, had ear mites, and was referred to as "Bubba" by the trailer's inhabitant. His name stems from my twelve-year-old obsession with Starbucks' Mocha Frappuccinos, and Boca simply rhymed. As you can see, in the last ten years he has blossomed into a beautiful, furry feline friend who sleeps on my bed all day.

Now you know me