Thursday, May 6, 2010

Secret Kitties

In a house of six girls, two have cats and one has allergies. This has produced a state of "secret kitties," where the felines remain clandestinely hidden behind barriers and closed doors. This is the closest Argus gets to the wild outdoors, except for that time last week when he ran away for half an hour and freaked out in the brush out back, which my right knuckle is still healing from:
Pictured here in my bathroom window, Argus, Eugenia's adolescent meow meow, enjoys performing his stirring rendition of "Halloween Cat," bidden or unbidden, and is frequently locked in the bathroom at night after two or three incidents of "being a penis" (Eugenia's words). While he has moments of great sweetness, be wary to not hold him too close to your face.

Second secret kitty, Audrey, is of the same type of cat as Argus, except somewhat older, and much fatter. She is also a squeaky, tender feline, the type that will sleep on your head at night, or your side:
It actually seems to be working out quite well...
Occasionally, Argus will hear Audrey squeaking downstairs, and then jumps over his barrier to investigate. Their through-the-door interactions haven't gone so smoothly, so we'll see how it goes this summer when Emily moves out and the cats run free...


  1. Argus is really turning on the charm!

    yes, the next time I take photos of you I only want hair. Make sure it is clean and brushed.

  2. Oh man these kitty photos are really adorable!
